A simple to make, yet super elegant mocktail that is fresh, balanced and exquisite tasting.
Seadrift Coast 50ml
Elderflower Cordial 35ml
Lemon Juice 5ml
Soda Water to top up the glass
Cucumber Ribbons to garnish
White Elderflower or an Edible Flower
Cucumber Ribbon (peel a line of green cucumber from the middle of the cucumber)
Tall Wine Glass
Garnish the glass by placing the cucumber ribbon around the sides of the empty glass so that it makes a swirl on the inside of the glass.
Pour Seadrift Coast, elderflower cordial and lemon juice into a cocktail tin. Add cocktail ice and stir together. Pour into the wine galss, and top up with ice and pour in soda water to the top. Gently mix together and garnish with the white elderflower or a small white edible flower.